Saturday, January 20, 2007


There is nothing like a Saturday to put things in perspective. It takes just a little to refuel, even though it feels sometimes like all the therapy and chocolate in the world couldn’t pull me out of my slump. A trip to Aldi, a conversation with my son, a cup of coffee with my sister-in-law, all work together to build up the reserves that have sunk dangerously low by Friday afternoon. “Oh, I’m fine.” I decide, “Everything is on the mend.”

Of all my thousands of weaknesses, the worst my priest assures me, is my tendency to despair. This, he says, is a major “no-no”. To ever give up hope, as a follower of Christ, is to deny that God is merciful, loving, and ultimately victorious over death. “A slippery slope,” he has called it, a slippery slope indeed. So today, I ‘m very thankful that I am forbidden to give up on myself. I am thankful for forgiveness and second chances.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh Molly,

I feel like I've been away a long, long time. These posts are amazing! I especially love the one about your parents--so much to think about tonight. Wish you and I could ponder it over coffee and cookies NEXT Saturday.

What a gift it was to be with you.
